14 July, 2021


we missed the good ones
we cried for the hurt ones
we feared for the bad ones
we ignored the ones we try to forget

be it a person.
a scenario.
a place.
a thing.

but it still there,
carved inside your head.

once you let the feelings took control,
they drove you crazy and stole your sanity away.

but hey, if you build your courage
let time heals your heart & mind
you'll get through it.
& sure it'll takes a looooong time
you just have to embrace those feelings
sad, despair, sorrow etc.

one day, when you finally
free from it & learnt that you let it go 
all those things wont matter as much as it first happened.
youll reminisce everything 
but not with the pain in your chest
but with a little smile.

because you over it.

(p/s : i used to listen to mayday parade's the memory) 

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